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- August 23, 2021 Create Date
- August 23, 2021 Last Updated
These guidelines set forth the requirements for determining the value for cultivation or use (VCU) of new varieties for registration in the SADC Variety Catalogue.
VCU = Value for Cultivation or Use: Refers to performance data that is typically established through multi-location testing to show that a new variety has value to be released for cultivation.
The value of a variety for cultivation or use shall be regarded as acceptable if, compared to an established, widely grown variety of similar maturity and type (the check variety), its qualities, taken as a whole, offer, at least as far as production in given agro-ecological zones (AEZ) is concerned, an improvement in at least one trait either for cultivation or as regards the use(s) which can be made of the variety or the product(s) derived therefrom. Where other superior characteristics are present, individual inferior characteristics may be disregarded.